The loss of a job can knock us off-balance, or the ending of a meaningful relationship. Serenity doesn’t have to be temporary, but often is because of our sin, specifically the sin of doubt and worry.

If worldly peace is momentary, godly peace appears the same. What we also discover is that we chase after serenity multiple times in life. We’re each chasing an end result of calmness throughout every aspect of life. Though we live different lives with varying jobs, family structures, and depths of faith, the serenity we envision is all the same. So if we attain this serenity in our lives, what would that look like? What Does a Life with Serenity Look Like? Godly peace is the ideal serenity that we imagine. God is good and perfect always, and His love for us endures forever ( Psalm 118:29). Worldly peace is found in the world through items that decay and human relationships that fade away. We can bear any and everything because we have God’s help.Īnother distinction is that godly peace comes from…God. We can see the problems around us, but the weight they once carried is suddenly light. This is also why godly peace is not a distraction.

We can find serenity even in the face of adversity, like when Paul wrote with joy and faithfulness from a prison cell in Rome.
Word serenity plus#
Why? Godly peace, or serenity, gives us all the benefits of worldly peace, plus some, and none of the cons. What Scripture helps us understand in this verse from the Book of John is that the peace we find in God is greater than the world. In these descriptions, an important distinction is made.
Word serenity how to#
The Bible talks a great deal about peace and how to achieve it. However, the idea of serenity is expressed, and we find that through another word, peace. The word serenity does not appear in most English translations of Scripture today. Don’t let your heart be troubled or fearful.” ( John 14:27) Serenity sounds great, perfect even, but is serenity possible or just a figment of human imagination?Īccording to Scripture, serenity is indeed real, but biblical serenity may be a bit different than how we understand the word. Our relationships are running smoothly, along with work, and we feel an unbridled connection to God. When serenity is found in our lives, the same becomes true about us. There are no worries, no concerns, no troubles. Everything looks well, and in fact, everything is well. If serenity were illustrated through a picture you would witness a portrait of a smiling family or a landscape of undisturbed snow. A good word to describe this tranquil and ideal state of being is serenity. If only we could just get to that state of peace and satisfaction. But we always return back to a state of wanting. We labor and toil in an effort to fulfill this want. Per our human nature, there’s always a want that we wish to fulfill, much like our daily hunger and thirst. Have you ever thought, “If I just had _ I would be okay”? Fill in the blank with money, a spouse, a new job, whatever.